Friday, March 20, 2020

Social Distancing 101

Disclaimer: I'm working remote 100% now and I've been sticking to the social distancing guidelines, so I have a lot of time to write and post stuff.  I'm not apologizing for what you're about to read, or anything in my life up to this point for that matter, just merely warning you that it is lengthy.  I regret nothing, I fear nothing, I apologize to no one. 💀

Everyone seems to be in one of two camps for this virus outbreak: complete devastation and overwhelming anxiety OR not taking it seriously at all and going about their daily business, laughing in the faces of all who wish to thrive post... Whatever this is.  Congratulations if you're perfectly cutout for this kind of scenario and don't fall into either category.  Great job, you people who take this seriously AND have your shit together.  I don't know who hurt you to make you this way, so comfortable with and unfazed by global tragedy and panic, but again, NICE. 👌 Way to go (I'm mostly kidding about the people with their shit together - I wish I wasn't anxious all the time.  Tell me your ways).  Personally I fell into the former category at the onset of all this, but have since found a pretty good stride now that I'm nearly a week in.  Here's what I've done to calm my anxiety while remaining productive and semi in touch with humanity / reality:

- Yoga: as soon as I wake up and or shortly before I go to bed.  It's pretty difficult to passively or obsessively think about the world collapsing on itself when you're concentrating on not breaking your own legs as you stretch like so much sweaty human taffy.  Plus it feels good and has health benefits or some shit.

- Fart jokes (and other comedy media): finding them, laughing at them, and sending them to other people also practicing social distancing farther away from me than shouting distance.  Never underestimate the power of a good laugh, even if it results from what should reasonably only appeal to stupid, dumb shit, poopy nerd boys. The world is chaotic, you're socially distancing yourself and virtually deprived of varied social human interaction, so give yourself the freedom to walk on the wild side and laugh at complete hot, stinky garbage.  

- Avoid the dark stuff: I'm not talking about black tar heroin (though it's best to avoid that too for a few reasons... You'd have to obtain it from a *person* and, HELLO, *social distancing*, or you might overdose... 🤷🏼‍♀️).  I'm talking about the negative stuff, the dark stuff, even PEOPLE who make this a more difficult situation to traverse than it already is.  I've had to remind myself that just as I'm checking social media and news outlets compulsively for information and entertainment in absence of other activities, so are other people who have input I don't want, don't agree with and don't need to be enraged by at present.  So this serves as a reminder that you can snooze people on Facebook, you can unfollow, you can block, whatever you need to do to cultivate a better digital experience for yourself in this weird time where social media usage has likely skyrocketed.  Also as much as I love gratuitous violence and dark, abstract thoughts and images in movies and books and on TV, I've found my limit for it when my mind ocean is already teeming with anxiety sharks. 😄 Just slow down when you feel like you've had enough for one day.  That sweet, sweet darkness will always be there tomorrow. 

- Use your best stuff: it sounds so dumb, and it isn't the meaningful "make some day today" / bucket list / last days on Earth sentimental nonsense, it's just rad to do the things that feel good for no other reason than feeling good.  Example: I've been waking up on time and keeping my routine for getting ready for work as if I were heading into the office (because I have to), BUT then I wear my fucking battle dome clothes and high heels around my house instead because I DON'T have to go to the office.  I wear my black lipstick because I fucking love it and it looks cool.  I use my expensive perfume because I like to smell it.  It doesn't matter that I'm not going anywhere (aside from maybe the store or to scream at pedestrians from my car), I just want to enjoy doing the shit I want to do, especially the things I don't or can't do at work.  If you're not a compartmentalized complicated weirdo like me, do your own version.  Bust out the snuggie and get weird.  It'll make the day feel so much more pleasant and so much less like a god damned prison sentence. 

- Music: all of it.  Constantly.  Try listening to stuff you've never listened to before.  Expand your horizons.  My newest favorite is upbeat jazz because I can dance to it all fucking day and not have one existential meltdown while it's going.  MAGICAL.

- Communicate with the people you can't see in person, but really want to: that's pretty self explanatory... But if you have people that mean a lot to you and you don't or won't or can't see them as often / at all, reach out to them as frequently as possible, especially if you don't have anyone else around.  Make sure they're okay, or let them know you need some support. We're social creatures even if we hate all of humanity, so we need to stay connected and feel like we're still a part of a community.  If you have trouble reaching out, see the second bullet point on the list and that should help you break the ice, you fucking pleb.    

- *Ask for help if you need it: as an addendum to the previous bullet of communication, I totally understand that not everyone is faced with the opportunity to work from home and that sometimes assistance is necessary.  I'm pretty fucking lucky and I remind myself of that fact daily. #Perspective  If in the coming days you find yourself without a job, going without pay, needing assistance in some way, use every tool at your disposal to reach out to your people and your community virtually for assistance.  Also bear in mind that this is a temporary crisis and then follow all of the above steps to help keep calm until you're settled.  People have an amazing ability to solve community problems quickly when everyone is threatened, and if I can help in any way, I'm fucking ON IT.  Let me know and if I can't help, I'll help to find someone who can.

That's it.  Those are the keys to mental wellness in the face of catastrophe.... Or how I've approached it like a paranoid, cabin fever suffering, goth cowboy space monkey.  I'm ready for this to be over, but I'm trying every single day to make the best of it while it continues.  I hope you can, too.  Reach out to me if you want more weird advice or if you need some virtual community.  Otherwise, stay golden, pony boys. 😘

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Till The End

Esoteric hot topic of the day: is this considered a glow up or a significant downward spiral? My vote is for glow up, but all I really know is that Valentine's day has been / will be ruined for many fans of this man today as they are now / will soon be deeply offended by the Till The End video and I'm following all of the posts on various social media outlets to revel in the whining in real time (because I'm displacing to distract myself from unrelated unnecessary drama in my own life). 😎👍

My personal opinion: my logical assumption, not backed by any published statistics or anything, leads me to believe that not many people make their debut in the adult film industry at nearly 60 years old, so congratulations to him, even if this is his only venture.  I also think it's probably exhausting when people constantly hound you and openly, aggressively sexualize you to the extent that they do to Till Lindemann, so this seems like a valid response to that if for no other reason than... I don't know, providing very specific entertainment for those aggressors?  I honestly believe that this video will probably do more to prevent people from doing that in person than actively encouraging it because it is highly specific, niche even, and pretty intense.  

Mostly I'm unsurprised, only very mildly disgusted (read: not disgusted at all, more 🤷), but still 100% on board for this dude to continue being a creep because it's refreshing and deeply entertaining.  I've been a fan of his work for 23 years at this point and I particularly love that he's still capable of shocking people and keeping it weird. 👍

I would also like to note that Puritans will respond to this as expected - taking offense, rallying to scold or remove support or whatever other thing that they do, but I would argue that there are worse things going on in the world than producing a video of something that's been happening for decades in hotel rooms around the world. 😂 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Germany awaits

My love for Rammstein transcends the boundaries of political geography and accommodating account balances (well, technically I saved my ass off and paid cash for this whole thing, but still... I went all out and paid more than I needed to so that I can really enjoy myself). I will be travelling from Denver, Colorado to Berlin, Germany in June of this year to attend two back to back concerts in July.  To say that I am excited is the understatement of the century. 

Is it sad that I'm only just now travelling outside of my home country for the first time at 34 years old?  Probably, but the United States is a funny place that absolutely set me up for my late blooming in the realm of travel.  For better or worse, most citizens here are not raised with world travel in mind and we're definitely not set up to want to leave unless someone or something truly inspires or requires us.  This is not a slam against my home country, just an observation.  I was raised to be content with, and more importantly financially unable to escape, my home.  But I've grown up, made a career for myself and realized, fully realized, that I have the ability to travel farther away from home than just the coasts.  It is both terrifying and amazing, but I'll confirm one way or the other in a few short months. 

Concert tickets in hand, flight paid for and seats selected, comfortable and accommodating room with a view reserved... Now all I have left to acquire is the passport, the vaccinations and my Berlin welcome card which gets me access to public transportation and most of the museums for cheap to free.  I'm ready to solo travel across the Atlantic and drink my way through the land of my ancestors.  My apologies in advance, Berlin. 😘🖤

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Let's get real about this

Sometimes I think I developed a pattern of staying awake all night because I must be a degenerate or antisocial, because I worked the graveyard shift for too many years and it permanently destroyed my internal clock... but when I inevitably fall back into the rhythm of staying up all night over a short weekend off from work, seemingly like clockwork, the more I realize that night time really and truly is the right time and it brings me peace to be awake and alive while the world is asleep.  Of course I realize that it's day time on the other side of the world, but it's night time for my immediate location and that's what I'm talking about - it provides me with a sense of comfort, invincibility and the potential for endless possibility.  

Darkness and quiet seem to spark this creative flow in me that the day time never has.  I can't fathom frantically documenting a list of art projects and starting on the one that excites me the most first thing in the morning.  I don't think I've ever felt the urge to dance, completely uninhibited and without shame, while the neighbors were cutting their lawn in the midday sun.  Inspiration comes to me when the moon is out, the streets are clear and the neighborhood is asleep.  I spend all day waiting for it. 

The night is alive
My creations come to me
When you are sleeping

See?  It's night time and I wrote a shitty haiku.  #Inspiration 

But seriously, I have so many ideas for what I want to do with this thing and I'm very excited to start fresh.  Things you can expect to see here in the future:
- Details and documentation of an upcoming trip to Berlin to see one of my favorite bands of all time and all of my excitement leading up to it
- Candid overanalysis of day to day ridiculousness that is sure to make you chuckle (I already hate myself for the use of the word chuckle, but I'm committed to it now)
- Practicing self-awareness in a (hopefully) touching and relatable manner
- Things that inspire me
- Probably other stuff guaranteed

Thanks for stopping by.  I'll see you out there. 

Testing, testing.... Is this thing on?

I'm just starting this blog after my recent hasty and frantic destruction of a previous blog that I had maintained for several years.  New year, new nihilist views or something.  I'm mostly kidding - my nihilist views are nothing new. Welcome.